Tuesday, April 21, 2015

R - Am I Right?

I commonly hear that I am
unnatural, sinful, and, heck,
even evil.

It buries in and bits, but
I can’t help to disagree.

When I kissed a girl,
it felt unnatural and forced.
That whole peg in a square
hole thing.

when I kissed another man,
I felt the rhythm of two
heart beats sink into a
pattern only Beethoven
could dream of.

As we explored the depth
of another soul, I
felt a shard of my tattered
existence lift into the
starry night sky.

Our long talks dived into
the intricacies of my inner
being as he succumbed to the
power of unity.

When I fall under attack
for my sinful ways,
I always ask:

How could this
not be right?


  1. Hi there! Just stumbled on your blog from A to Z challenge. I really like your theme and your posts. For the record, I completely support the Gay and Lesbian lifestyle. My cousin and some of my best friends are gay. I love them with all my heart and cant imagine my life without them. Stay strong and your words are beautiful.

    1. Thanks for the compliment! It's always nice to hear that someone is listening. :)
